Undergraduate Certificate in Bioengineering

The Bioengineering certificate introduces engineering and computer science students to Bioengineering. This undergraduate certificate grounds students in fundamentals of biological sciences, allows the students to take both survey and depth courses in Bioengineering, and has a capstone research or design experience. 

The goals are:

  1. To train students to apply basic sciences and engineering principles to biological and biomedical problems, and
  2. To train students to do bioengineering research and solve problems related to the design and development of technologies that improve human health.

Bioengineering students are often involved in measurements, analysis, modeling, computations, design, and development. This certificate will provide skills useful for careers in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries as well as graduate programs in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering.

Please contact Bioengineering program (bioe@ku.edu) for more information.