BS in Engineering Physics with concentration in Chemical Systems

PHSX 1500.5CHEM 175 or 1355
CHEM 170 or 1305MATH 1264
MATH 125 (Core 34: Math & Statistics (SGE))030**4EPHX 210 or PHSX 211 (Core 34: Natural & Physical Sciences (SGE))040***3
Core 34: English (SGE)0103PHSX 216 (Core 34: Natural & Physical Sciences (SGE))040***1
Core 34: Communications (SGE)0203Core 34: English (SGE)0103
 15.5 16
C&PE 2113C&PE 3253
CHEM 3303C&PE 2213
MATH 1274MATH 220 or 3203
MATH 2902PHSX 3133
PHSX 2123PHSX 3161
PHSX 2361Core 34: Social & Behavioral Sciences (SGE)0503
 16 16
EPHX 5213EPHX 6113
CHEM 5254C&PE 5243
C&PE 5113C&PE 5254
C&PE 5123Core 34: Social & Behavioral Sciences (SGE)0503
Core 34: Arts & Humanities (SGE)0603Core 34: Arts & Humanities (SGE)0603
 16 16
C&PE 6113C&PE 6134
C&PE 6153C&PE 6263
C&PE 6163EPHX 601 (Capstone)4
EPHX 5313Core 34: Global Culture (SGE)0703
Core 34: U.S. Culture (SGE)0703C&PE 5222
 15 16
Total Hours 126.5


*  - This course is a Required major course and is also part of Core 34: Systemwide General Education.  If this course is not taken to fulfill the Core 34:SGE requirement, it must be taken in place of elective hours.

**  - This course is a Recommended Core 34: Systemwide General Education course.  This specific course is not required but is recommended by the program’s faculty.

***  - This course is a Required Core 34: Systemwide General Education course.  This program is approved by the Kansas Board of Regents to require this specific Core 34:Systemwide General Education course.  If a student did not take this course it must be taken in addition to other degree requirements.