School of Law

Graduation requirements and regulations for every academic program are provided in this catalog; however, this catalog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a contract. Degree and program requirements and course descriptions are subject to change.

In most cases, you will use the catalog of the year you entered KU (see your advisor for details). Other years’ catalogs»

The School of Law

The School of Law is an excellent place to pursue a professional legal education. The school’s primary mission is to prepare its students to be outstanding members of the legal profession, well educated in the law and committed to professional achievement and public service. The school educates students in both the general principles of law and the skills needed for practice in a changing legal environment. Students develop technical competence, pride in legal craftsmanship, a sound sense of ethics and professionalism, and an appreciation for the role of law and of the practice of law in society.

The law school has a venerable history and a commitment to educating for the future. Legal education at KU began in 1878, and the school was a charter member of the Association of American Law Schools. Since 1924, it has had a chapter of Order of the Coif, a national law school honor society with chapters at leading law schools throughout the country. The law school is fully accredited by the American Bar Association.

Outside the classroom, student organizations provide a focus for service as well as social activities and professional development. In a program that may be unique to KU, law students serve the university community and develop litigation skills by acting as prosecutors, defense counsel and judges in the Traffic Court (KU Court of Parking Appeals), which handles all appeals of campus parking tickets.

Two student-edited scholarly publications, the Kansas Law Review and the Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy, allow students to delve deeply into areas of law that interest them, hone their writing, and expand their editing skills. KU Law students also participate in a rich array of moot court, mock trial and transactional law programs. Some are courses, and some are extracurricular activities. All provide hands-on writing and advocacy skills that are some of the hallmarks of a KU Law education.


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