Population Health
Students who participate in CLARION will develop a deeper understanding of healthcare as a system that requires highly performing interprofessional teams to achieve the six aims outlined by the Institute of Medicine. These aims include care that is safe, timely, equitable, effective, efficient and patient centered. Students will study with other students from other health professions disciplines under the direction of interprofessional course faculty and invited members of the community who will guide discussions each week to prepare students for analyzing and developing solutions to a fictional healthcare sentinel event.
This course is designed to provide an opportunity for students to perform clinical and population-based research with the assistance of a cross-disciplinary team of mentors. The objective is to provide students with valuable research experience and a better understanding of the contribution of clinical and population-based research to evidence-based medicine. Students will first identify a need/problem in a patient population. Students will develop a data collection tool, acquire IRB approval from all applicable bodies dependent upon the individual project, collect the data, analyze the collected data, and present the results. Students will be required to present their findings as a scientific paper and an oral or poster presentation. Students will be assisted throughout this process by mentors from the Population Health Department in addition to biostatisticians, content experts, and clinical mentors from the surrounding medical community. Evaluation will be based upon mentor assessment and review of scientific paper and oral or poster presentation. Assistance will be provided if the students decide to submit their work for publication. However, pursuit of publication is not a requirement of the course. Two SER weeks (weeks 3 and 4) during the MS1 year will be dedicated to working on this course in addition to eight weeks of the summer between MS1 and MS2 years.
Are you fully prepared to positively impact the healthcare environment you'll work in beyond your caring for individual patients? Successful and satisfied physicians and other clinicians will be able to align organizational infrastructure and processes with the provision of high-quality care. Doing so is not easy and requires learned skills. A critical task is creating harmony between the values of the clinician and those of the healthcare organization. Navigating conflicts between money and mission can impact additional outcomes, such as reducing clinician burnout. Many courses in physician leadership focus on career advancement. This alt-leadership elective instead focuses on helping institutions to innovate and change. Goals include mastery of quality improvement (QI) methods, coalition building, working with colleagues with different values, finding and spreading positive deviance, balancing teamwork and autonomy, and creating satisfying workplaces that are safe and effective for patients. Technical skills include writing persuasive proposals, data visualization, effective emails and meetings, and balancing money vs. mission by blending literature searching and financial projections. Learning will occur by executing a clinical QI project. We welcome students from all three campuses. Course may qualify for honors or research. Details: http://wichita.kumc.edu/population-health/leadership-elective.html. Prerequisite: Completion of MS1.
This elective is designed to provide clinical and/or research experience in topics of special interest not otherwise represented in the curriculum. The student will design, in consultation with Departmental faculty, specific objectives, reading assignments and the mechanism for course evaluation.