Special Programs
This elective is available for pursuit of research efforts by students. Arrangements for time and facilities will be on an individual basis. Evaluation of Student performance will depend on the particular research project. Prerequisite: Approval of faculty supervisor, departmental chairperson, and Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs.
The student will enroll in this rotation when desiring elective credit for an educational experience at an LCME accredited medical school other than KU, within the United States. Application process is initiated through the office of Academic & Student Affairs. A student may receive no more than 8 units of elective credit for off campus experience(s), which count toward the M.D. degree. Applications and information are available on the Academic and Student Affairs website. Prerequisite: Approval of the chair of the respective department and the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs.
The student will enroll in this rotation when desiring elective credit for an educational experience at a site other than KU, outside the United States. Within this elective are presented opportunities for the student to gain clinical and community health experiences in an international setting. The country selected is to be prearranged by the student with the assistance of faculty. A particular month is recommended (but not required) for this elective. Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor and Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs.
The student will enroll in this rotation when desiring elective credit for an educational experience at KU which is not otherwise defined by a current elective offering. Application process is initiated through the office of Academic & Student Affairs. A student may receive no more than 8 units of Special Program elective credit, which count toward the M.D. degree. Prerequisite: Approval of the chair of the respective department and the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs.