PharmD Research Certificate
The Pharm.D. Research Certificate Program (PRCP) is designed for Pharm.D. students who excel in their Pharm.D. courses and have a strong desire and commitment to gain extensive experience and training in research. In the past, students and faculty found each other for research projects through informal methods. The PRCP aims to facilitate this interaction by pairing interested students with interested faculty in a more formal arrangement. Students accepted into the PRCP will receive intensive research training in a laboratory or clinical setting, and will complete research-related curricular requirements. Upon satisfactory completion of the program requirements, students will receive a Pharm.D. Research Certificate that is expected to enhance their applications to post-graduate programs.
The Pharm.D. Research Certificate Program (PRCP) will be introduced to all P1 students in the fall during one of the student seminars. To apply for the PRCP, students are required to have a minimal GPA of 3.0 (School of Pharmacy GPA). Students interested in the program should prepare their application package that includes cover letter, CV, description of research interests, list of 3 potential research mentors and brief description of their research. Application package should be sent to Dr. Judy Wu ( before December 31.
At the start of the P1 spring semester, students selected to participate in the program will be matched to a faculty research mentor. The mentor and student will draft and sign a program contract that outlines the academic and research plans and workload expectations. This contract will be provided to the program coordinator. During the remaining time in the PharmD program student will complete 7 credit hours of research credit (MDCM 690 or 692, P&TX 694 or 698, PHCH 690 or 694, or PHPR 635 or 690 which represents ~ 420 clock hours of effort that may be spread across seven semesters). Four of the 7 research credit hours will be used to satisfy the PharmD elective coursework. Students will complete the following courses and activities:
P1 Spring:
- Conduct research as outlined in their program contract for academic credit.
- Attend KU’s Undergraduate Research Symposium
P1 Summer:
- Conduct research as outlined in their program contract. If a student is paid a summer stipend, academic credit may not be awarded.
P2 Fall:
- Conduct research as outlined in their program contract for academic credit.
P2 Spring:
- Conduct research as outlined in their program contract for academic credit.
- Present research at KU’s Undergraduate Research Symposium
P2 Summer:
- Conduct research as outlined in their program contract. If a student is paid a summer stipend, academic credit may not be awarded.
P3 Fall:
- PHAR 514 Scientific Writing for the Healthcare Professional (2 credits)
- Conduct research as outlined in their program contract for academic credit.
P3 Spring:
- PHAR 516 Scientific Presentations for the Healthcare Professional (1 credit)
- Attend Mossberg Honors Research Symposium
- Conduct research as outlined in their program contract for academic credit.
P4 Year:
- Enroll in one Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (PHPR 601-609) involving research (4 credits in total)
- Present (poster or oral) at the Mossberg Honors Research Symposium
- PharmD Research Certificate awarded