
The rules and regulations of the University of Kansas pertaining to academic work are published in the University Senate Rules and Regulations, the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations, and the University of Kansas Senate Code. Copies of these documents are on file with University Governance, Strong Hall, 1450 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 33, Lawrence, KS 66045, 785-864-5169, or online in the University of Kansas Policy Library.

See your school's Regulations page for specific rules and regulations: CLAS, Arts, Architecture & Design, BusinessEducation and Human Sciences, Engineering, Health Professions, Journalism and Mass Communications, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy, Professional StudiesSocial Welfare.

View Graduate Studies admission and degree requirements and regulations. KUMC Office of Graduate Studies has their own dedicated page for degree requirements and regulations. 

Consult College Student Academic Services or the dean’s office of your school for more information.