BS in Civil Engineering with concentration in Environmental

CE 1012ARCE 2173
MATH 125 (Core 34: Math & Statistics (SGE))030***4MATH 1264
CHEM 1505Core 34: English (SGE)0103
Core 34: Communications (SGE)0203EPHX 210 or PHSX 211 (Core 34: Natural & Physical Sciences (SGE))040***3
Core 34: English (SGE)0103PHSX 216 (Core 34: Natural & Physical Sciences (SGE))040***1
 Natural Science Elective Requirement3
 17 17
CE 2605CE 2403
MATH 1274CE 3103
PHSX 2123CE 4773
Core 34: Arts & Humanities (SGE)0603MATH 2203
 ECON 104, 142, or 144 (Core 34: Social & Behavioral Sciences (SGE))050***3
 15 15
CE 3303CE 412 or 4843
CE 3311CE 4553
CE 4613CE 4874
CE 320 or EECS 1383CE 5253
Engineering Science ElectiveA3Core 34: Social & Behavioral Sciences Elective (SGE)0503
Core 34: Arts & Humanities Elective (SGE)0603 
 16 16
CE 5523CE 5012
CMGT 4573CE 576 (KU Capstone Course)3
CE 562 or 5633Civil Engineering Design ElectiveB3
CE 570 or 5733Environmental Design ElectiveC3
Core 34: US Culture (SGE)0703Core 34: Global Culture (SGE)0703
CE Technical ElectiveD3Fundamentals of Engineering Exam0
 18 14
Total Hours 128

One course is selected from a pre-approved list of courses that meet ABET criteria for engineering science content in the areas of materials science, thermodynamics, circuit design, or environmental analysis.

One of the following three courses must be taken, all of which meet ABET criteria for engineering design content: CE 582 Highway EngineeringCE 588 Foundation Engineering, or CMGT 500 Construction Engineering

One course is selected from a pre-approved list of courses that meet ABET criteria for engineering design and are in the field of environmental & water resources engineering.


Technical electives are selected from 500-level and above courses in Civil Engineering, Architectural Engineering, or Construction Management not already taken, or 600-level and above courses from other engineering departments. All technical electives must meet ABET criteria for engineering science or design content. 


*  - This course is a Required major course and is also part of Core 34: Systemwide General Education.  If this course is not taken to fulfill the Core 34:SGE requirement, it must be taken in place of elective hours.

**  - This course is a Recommended Core 34: Systemwide General Education course.  This specific course is not required but is recommended by the program’s faculty.

***  - This course is a Required Core 34: Systemwide General Education course.  This program is approved by the Kansas Board of Regents to require this specific Core 34:Systemwide General Education course.  If a student did not take this course it must be taken in addition to other degree requirements.