Department of Cell Biology and Physiology
The Department of Cell Biology and Physiology was formed on July 1, 2022 as a merger of the former Departments of Anatomy & Cell Biology and Molecular & Integrative Physiology. Bringing together the complementary expertise and graduate programs of the two respective departments has greatly enhanced student opportunities for research and areas of focus. Strengths within the department include:
- Cell Biology
- Cellular and Integrative Physiology
- Developmental and Reproductive Biology
- Exercise and Metabolism
- Neuroscience
- Renal Biology
The common thread within the department is that all research is designed to understand biological function in health and disease. Faculty within the department generated over $4M in research funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2023. Nearly all faculty members have served on national advisory committees to major funding agencies such as the NIH and Department of Defense and as reviewers and editors to major scientific publications.
The department administers three separate graduate programs that include tailored didactic instruction and laboratory experiences to enable students to become effective independent researchers and instructors. Graduates of these programs have obtained positions in industry, government, and consulting, as well as faculty positions at the college, university, and medical/graduate school level. The department offers the Ph.D. degree, and the combined M.D./Ph.D. degrees in conjunction with the School of Medicine. An M.S. degree may be granted in appropriate circumstances.
Anatomy and Cell Biology Courses
This 3-hour course will provide instruction and feedback towards the development of a fellowship-style grant application. Topics to be covered will include Biosketch, Candidate Background and Career Goals, Specific Aims, Significance and Innovation, Experimental Design and Approach, Sponsor Statement, Training Plan, and Grant Review Procedures. The learner will gain a deeper insight into the development and execution of each component of a fellowship application, as well as receive feedback from fellow students and participating faculty on how to improve their proposal. They will also gain a deeper appreciation of how the components of a fellowship proposal are reviewed and scored. It is anticipated that by the end of the course, the student should have a fully developed fellowship application that can be submitted to a funding agency. Prerequisite: IGPBS core curriculum or first two years of ACE curriculum.
Basic methods in preparation of tissues and cells for ultrastructural studies; use of electron microscopy in specific research problems; interpretation of biological ultrastructure; reading assignments and discussion sessions. Prerequisite: ANAT 830, or consent of course instructor.
This course will bridge student knowledge of systems/organs with cellular histology and is designed as an accelerated introduction to histological techniques, microscopy/optics, and histology of normal and diseased tissues. Classes meet once a week and the format includes a 1 hour lecture on individual tissues within related organ systems followed by 1 hour of microscopic observation. (Same as NEUS 845.) Prerequisite: Completion of the IGPBS core curriculum or consent of instructor.
Team-taught, in-depth neuroscience course focusing on normal and diseased brain function at the molecular, cellular and systems levels. Lectures and discussions will emphasize current issues in neuroscience research. (Same as PHCL 846, PHSL 846, NURO 846, and NEUS 846.) Prerequisite: Permission of the course director.
Development of the nervous system from early induction to the development of learning and memory. Topics include: Induction; Cellular Differentiation; Axon Growth and Guidance; Target Selection; Cell Survival and Growth; Synapse Formation; Synapse Elimination; and Development of Behavior. (Same as NURO 847, PHSL 847 and NEUS 847.) Prerequisite: Advanced Neuroscience (ANAT 846; NURO 846; PHSL 846) or consent of instructor.
An in-depth coverage of pathogenic mechanisms in neurological diseases; cellular and molecular responses to brain injury and disease, neuroinflammatory diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis), neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and prion diseases), neurogenetic diseases (e.g., lysosomal and peroxisomal disorders, Down's syndrome and fragile X), trauma, stroke, and viral diseases (e.g., HIV encephalitis). (Same as NURO 848, PHCL 848, PHSL 848, and NEUS 848.) Prerequisite: Advanced Neuroscience (ANAT 846, PHCL 846 or PHSL 846) or an equivalent course and consent of instructor.
This course focuses on modern trends in cell biology and their role in disease processes. Topics include cellular organelles, cell diversity, and cellular processes. Each two hour class will consist of a one hour lecture followed by a journal club discussion of the previous week's topic. Oral presentations of written assignments will allow students to integrate lecture material. By the end of the course, the learner will have acquired knowledge of the cellular mechanisms essential to organismal health, developed creative and critical thinking skills by integrating multiple aspects of cell biology to address a research problem, and honed their oral presentation and scientific writing skills. Prerequisite: Completion of the IGPBS core curriculum or consent of the instructor.
This is an advanced graduate course which is designed for 2nd year graduate students who have some previous exposure to embryology /developmental biology at the undergraduate or graduate level. The class will focus on aspects of development that are currently at the leading edge of the field and will include a combination of lectures, discussion of late breaking papers, and seminars by outside speakers. Prerequisite: IGPBS Core Curriculum or consent of instructor.
All aspects of preparing grant applications are covered. This includes writing an actual grant application containing all the usual elements of grants - budgets, biosketches, resources, and scientific text. In addition, different funding agencies, building research teams, the review process, responding to reviewers, and resubmitting grants will be covered. (Same as HP&M 878 and NRSG 889.) Prerequisite: Appropriate research methods and statistics courses in student's current graduate program; and permission of the instructor. For students in the Outcomes Management and Research concentration, HP&M 821.
This course will introduce students to novel research techniques and their application across a variety of disciplines. The class will meet weekly and consist of monthly faculty lectures on current or developing techniques and student-led presentations and discussions occurring during non-lecture classes. Prerequisite: Completion of the IGPBS core curriculum or consent of instructor.
Special study allowing a student to pursue a particular subject through readings, laboratory work, and conferences with a faculty member. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Research-oriented presentations in a seminar format by students, faculty, and guests.
Independent laboratory investigation approved by and under the supervision of the student's advisor, and in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.S. or Ph.D. degree. Prerequisite: Consent of advisor.
Preparation of the formal thesis based upon independent research and in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.S. degree. Credits will be given only after the thesis has been accepted by the department. Prerequisite: Consent of advisor.
Research articles are analyzed and presented by the student with the guidance of an instructor. Assessment will be based on the of quality and mechanics of the presentation and participation in group discussion. One or more articles may be discussed in each tutorial session. The research topics are chosen in accordance with the research interest of the student and at the discretion of the instructor.
Original and independent laboratory investigation, approved by and conducted under the supervision of the students' advisor and advisory committee, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree. Prerequisite: Consent of advisor.
Preparation of the dissertation based upon original research and in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree. Credits will be given only after the dissertation has been accepted by the student's dissertation committee. Prerequisite: Consent of advisor.
Neuroscience Courses
A detailed study of the fundamentals of autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, and their pharmacology. Prerequisite: Permission of the course director.
Presentations of research papers by faculty, post-doctoral research associates, and graduate students. All graduate students in the Neuroscience program participate in this seminar series throughout their period of training. Each student has to present a seminar once every semester. Presentations by students are evaluated by other graduate students and faculty at the end of each seminar. (Same as NURO 799) Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the Neuroscience program.
This course is to be used by graduate students fulfilling the teaching requirements for the Ph.D. in Neuroscience. Students may choose between in-lab or lecture-based instruction for the course. For in-lab, the student will be paired with an underclassman or rotation student and serve as their primary instructor. For lecture-based, the student will function as a discussion leader and lecturer in a limited number of class sessions. For either track, the student will meet with the faculty they are assisting and participate in individual progress meetings and development of research products (in-lab) or preparation of presentation materials and tests (lecture-based). Each student will be evaluated by the faculty mentor and by the students in the lab or class taught. (Same as NURO 800.) Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Neuroscience.
Somatosensory, motor and cognitive function of the brain will be discussed using a combination of lecture and student presentation formats. Current issues and evidence underlying accepted concepts and mechanisms will be emphasized. (Same as PHSL 844.) Prerequisite: PHSL 846 or equivalent and consent of instructor.
This course will bridge student knowledge of systems/organs with cellular histology and is designed as an accelerated introduction to histological techniques, microscopy/optics, and histology of normal and diseased tissues. Classes meet once a week and the format includes a 1 hour lecture on individual tissues within related organ systems followed by 1 hour of microscopic observation. Prerequisite: Completion of the IGPBS core curriculum or consent of instructor.
Team-taught, in-depth neuroscience course focusing on normal and diseased brain function at the molecular, cellular and systems levels. Lectures and discussions will emphasize current issues in neuroscience research. (Same as ANAT 846, PHCL 846, and PHSL 846.) Prerequisite: Permission of the course director.
Development of the nervous system from early induction to the development of learning and memory. Topics include: Induction; Cellular Differentiation; Axon Growth and Guidance; Target Selection; Cell Survival and Growth; Synapse Formation; Synapse Elimination; and Development of Behavior. (Same as ANAT 847 and PHSL 847.) Prerequisite: Advanced Neuroscience (ANAT 846; NURO 846; PHSL 846) or consent of instructor.
An in-depth coverage of pathogenic mechanisms in neurological diseases; cellular and molecular responses to brain injury and disease, neuroinflammatory diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis), neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and prion diseases), neurogenetic diseases (e.g., lysosomal and peroxisomal disorders, Down's syndrome and fragile X), trauma, stroke, and viral diseases (e.g., HIV encephalitis). (Same as ANAT 848, PHCL 848, and PHSL 848.) Prerequisite: Advanced Neuroscience (ANAT 846, PHCL 846 or PHSL 846) or an equivalent course and consent of instructor.
A variety of topics associated with sensory biology, including olfaction, vision, audition, equilibrium, and the visceral and somatic senses will be discussed relative to basic functions and in disease settings. Faculty will provide lectures throughout the semester and research article discussions will be woven into the content throughout the course. Prerequisite: Permission of the course director.
This course will cover the major aspects of dementia research methodology, ranging from basic science to clinical and translational research. There will be a broad introduction to Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia including history, basic science, advanced analysis methods, and social and cultural ramifications. We will further cover topics such as clinical trial design, inclusion and ethical considerations, and translation into clinical practice. The course will include both didactic lectures and journal clubs. Prerequisite: Advanced Neuroscience (NEUS 846; ANAT 846; PHSL 846) or consent of the instructor.
Hours and credit for this course to be arranged with the mentor. Independent investigation of a research problem in neuroscience, but of limited scope. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the Neuroscience program and consent of mentor/instructor.
Neuroscience research articles are analyzed by the student with the guidance of an instructor in terms of quality of scientific content and mechanics of the presentation. One or more articles are discussed in each tutorial session. The research topics and the instructor are chosen in accordance with the research interest of the students. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the Neuroscience program post-oral comprehensive examination and consent of mentor/instructor.
Original and independent investigation, approved by and conducted under the supervision of the students' advisor and advisory committee, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree. Prerequisite: Consent of advisor.
Hours and credit for this course to be arranged with the mentor. Conduct of original investigation in neurosciences. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the Neuroscience program post-oral comprehensive examination and consent of mentor/instructor.
Physiology Courses
This is the first of four courses that explore human physiology and pathophysiology. The course examines the anatomy, histology, and cellular physiology of organ systems of the human body and specifically focuses on the function of muscle and the nervous system. The molecular, cellular, and physiological changes associated with representative diseases will also be discussed. Additional emphasis will be placed on the use of modern experimental approaches that take advantage of cellular and molecular technologies to better understand normal and pathological physiology. Class will include lectures as well as discussions of relevant research papers.
This is the second of four courses that explore human physiology and pathophysiology. The course examines the anatomy, histology, and cellular physiology of organ systems of the human body and specifically focuses hematology and the function of the cardiovascular and renal systems. The molecular, cellular, and physiological changes associated with representative diseases will also be discussed. Additional emphasis will be placed on the use of modern experimental approaches that take advantage of cellular and molecular technologies to better understand normal and pathological physiology. Class will include lectures as well as discussions of relevant research papers. Prerequisite: Human Physiology I (PHSL 821), an equivalent course, or consent of Course Director.
This is the third of four courses that explore human physiology and pathophysiology. The course examines the anatomy, histology, and cellular physiology of organ systems of the human body and specifically focuses on the respiratory and digestive systems and their roles in regulating metabolism. The molecular, cellular, and physiological changes associated with representative diseases will also be discussed. Additional emphasis will be placed on the use of modern experimental approaches that take advantage of cellular and molecular technologies to better understand normal and pathological physiology. Class will include lectures as well as discussions of relevant research papers. Prerequisite: Human Physiology I (PHSL 821), an equivalent course, or consent of Course Director.
This is the fourth of four courses that explore human physiology and pathophysiology. The course examines the anatomy, histology, and cellular physiology of organ systems of the human body and specifically focuses the endocrine and reproductive systems. The molecular, cellular, and physiological changes associated with representative diseases will also be discussed. Additional emphasis will be placed on the use of modern experimental approaches that take advantage of cellular and molecular technologies to better understand normal and pathological physiology. Class will include lectures as well as discussions of relevant research papers. Prerequisite: Human Physiology I (PHSL 821), an equivalent course, or consent of Course Director.
All aspects of reproductive physiology including an in depth study of ovarian and testicular development/function, neuroendocrine development/function, implantation, placentation, puberty, pregnancy and fertility regulation are covered. Historical and current scientific literature will be used to support a graduate level text and didactic lectures. Prerequisite: a general endocrinology/physiology course, an equivalent course and/or consent of instructor.
To understand how the major physiological systems of the body respond to exercise with an emphasis on integration and function. Historical and current scientific literature will be used to generate discussion and support didactic material. Fundamentals of exercise physiology will be covered, but a background in exercise physiology is not required. Prerequisite: a general physiology course, an equivalent course and/or consent of instructor.
Special studies designed and arranged on an individual basis to allow a student to pursue a particular subject through reading, special laboratory work, and conferences with a senior staff member.
Advanced course on modern human physiology. The course focuses on organ systems of the human body including nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, reproductive and urinary systems. This course emphasizes the use of modern experimental approaches that take advantage of cellular and molecular technologies. Prerequisite: NONE
This course will cover physiological changes associated with representative diseases of major organ systems (endocrine, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, immune, nervous, and reproductive). Example diseases to be covered include: diabetes, pituitary disorders, osteoporosis, obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, muscular dystrophy, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, infertility, endometriosis, and pregnancy complications. Class will include lectures, faculty-mentored student presentations, evaluations of research papers, and discussions. LEC Prerequisite: Comprehensive Human Physiology (PHSL 842), an equivalent course, or consent of Course Director.
Somatosensory, motor and cognitive function of the brain will be discussed using a combination of lecture and student presentation formats. Current issues and evidence underlying accepted concepts and mechanisms will be emphasized. (Same as NEUS 844.) Prerequisite: PHSL 846 or equivalent and consent of instructor.
Team-taught, in-depth neuroscience course focusing on normal and diseased brain function at the molecular, cellular and systems levels. Lectures and discussions will emphasize current issues in neuroscience research. (Same as ANAT 846, PHCL 846, NURO 846 and NEUS 846.) Prerequisite: Permission of the course director.
Development of the nervous system from early induction to the development of learning and memory. Topics include: Induction; Cellular Differentiation; Axon Growth and Guidance; Target Selection; Cell Survival and Growth; Synapse Formation; Synapse Elimination; and Development of Behavior. (Same as ANAT 847, NURO 847, and NEUS 847.) Prerequisite: Advanced Neuroscience (ANAT 846; NURO 846; PHSL 846) or consent of instructor.
An in-depth coverage of pathogenic mechanisms in neurological diseases; cellular and molecular responses to brain injury and disease, neuroinflammatory diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis), neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and prion diseases), neurogenetic diseases (e.g., lysosomal and peroxisomal disorders, Down's syndrome and fragile X), trauma, stroke, and viral diseases (e.g., HIV encephalitis). (Same as ANAT 848, NURO 848, PHCL 848, and NEUS 848.) Prerequisite: Advanced Neuroscience (ANAT 846, PHCL 846 or PHSL 846) or an equivalent course and consent of instructor.
Original laboratory investigation conducted under the supervision of a senior staff member.
Student participation (attendance and presentation) in weekly Departmental seminar series. The topics examined in these seminars are dictated by the interests of students and staff. Prerequisite: student must have passed their oral comprehensive exam.
Preparation of the formal thesis based on library research or independent research and in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the master's degree. Credits will be given only after the thesis has been accepted by the student's thesis committee.
Preparation of the Dissertation based on original research and in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree. Credits will be given only after the dissertation has been accepted by the student's dissertation committee.