The Minor in Criminal Justice provides students with an understanding of how agencies and institutions function as part of the criminal justice system. Students will learn about different ideas of justice and come to understand the impact the justice system has on lives of individuals and communities through law enforcement, the courts, and corrections.
Course work for this minor is delivered at the Lawrence Campus and online.
To declare a Minor in Criminal Justice a student must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative KU GPA and be degree seeking.
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
CRIM 300 | Introduction to Criminal Justice | 3 |
CRIM 310 | Theoretical and Historical Foundations of Criminology | 3 |
CRIM 330 | Policing | 3 |
CRIM 340 | Courts and Sentencing | 3 |
CRIM 370 | Incarceration Alternatives, Rehabilitation and Re-Entry | 3 |
or SOC 362 | Prison, Punishment, and Society |
| CSI: Fact vs Fiction | |
| Research Methods and Data Driven Decision Making in Criminal Justice | |
| Preventing Crime: What Works. What Doesn’t. | |
| Special Topics in Criminal Justice: _____ | |
| Crime and Society | |
| Being Deviant in America | |
| Violence and Society | |
Total Hours | 18 |
Minor Hours & Minor GPA
While completing all required courses, minors must also meet each of the following hour and GPA minimum standards:
Minor Hours
Satisfied by a minimum of 15 hours of minor courses.
Minor Hours in Residence
Satisfied by a minimum of 9 hours of KU resident credit in the minor.
Minor Junior/Senior (300+) Hours
Satisfied by a minimum of 9 hours from junior/senior courses (300+) in the minor.
Minor Graduation GPA
Satisfied by a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA in all courses in the minor. GPA calculations include all courses in the field of study including F’s and repeated courses. All minor courses must be taken for a grade, credit/no credit is not permitted.